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Learn C# and Unity for Digital Tabletop Game Development

Building 2D games can be a great way to learn C# and Unity, especially when working through the basics of complex tabletop game logic.

In this series, I’m going to introduce you to the basics of C# programming using Unity, although a lot of the concepts we’re going to learn will be applicable in other programming languages as well, and game development in general.

Throughout this series, I’ll be providing an emphasis on learning Unity for digital tabletop game development, which should be useful for anyone who wants to learn to code in C# or work with Unity.

After learning some C# and getting comfortable with the Unity editor, along with some practice projects and outside learning of your own, you’ll be able to run simulations, make your own games, and begin exploring the wider Unity ecosystem for supplemental skills and projects.

If you’re not specifically interested in digital tabletop game development, you’ll probably still find this series to be helpful, as we’ll be learning core concepts that are central to C# coding and Unity game development that you’ll be able to apply to other programming languages and engines. And I’m a big proponent of using digital tabletop games in learning to code, because we’re able to work on a lot of the logic that goes into digitizing those types of games, without having to dive into stuff like physics, vector math, animation, and that sort of thing.

Start by learning the basics (Beginner Series):

Take a tour of Unity 2D (Beginner Tutorial):

Learn Unity multiplayer basics with Mirror (Intermediate Tutorial):

Build a 2D multiplayer card game (Advanced Series):

Happy coding!

-M. S. Farzan

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